Running Horses

Running Horses

Monday, July 8, 2013

Where Are We Now?

While the content of this blog was to reblog good articles concerning writing and publishing, and to make book release announcements, I have something different today.  Similar to the inspirational messages of Carl Sagan, this is meant to make you think about your place in our current historically occurring events, in the world, and ultimately, in the universe.

This site popped up on my Facebook page.  I shared it there and I'm sharing it here.  My title here is this article's title.  It asked good questions.  Read them at this site: , but also consider its questions (in bold) , and mine.

So...Where Are We Now?

More loud, but peaceful revolutions are happening in the world now than at any time in its history.
Why aren't we leading the way?  By our history we have led the way in almost every avenue of life, why not now, when our very survival could be at stake, not just life as we knew it?  Why aren't we embarrassed for this lack of loud vocal action?  Why aren't we in the streets chanting, lighting candles, shining bright flashlights into the sky?  Have we been so blinded?  Are we really so complacent?

Are you Prepared for the Collapse of the Western World?  

Why are whistleblowers being harassed, defamed and threatened?  Well, that's corporate America's way, right?  It happened to Tesla in regard to free energy, it happened to Tucker in the auto industry, and a book called Wheels was rapidly taken off the market (don't know what happened to its author), it happened to those in the cigarette industry (where a movie was made).  That could be construed as proof that the Corporate mind machine runs America.

And what about Mass Media?  When news casters can resign on camera because they didn't feel they could present the truth and represent good journalism, then you can write off anything that comes over the (Corporate?) controlled so-called news.  What was happening that was newsworthy, really newsworthy, when the fire-gutted jet sat on the tarmac receiving coverage for so many days?  It was kind of odd, don't you think?  Was it a set up?  What's really going on and why is Syria preparing for a war-like attack from us?  

Remember, war is profitable.  If it wasn't governments would work hard to stay out of the war business.   But, alas, the Corporate money hog is hungry, so one after another the countries succumb.  What about America?  Why are we sitting on our laurels holding our ears and turning away?  Do you really think we are invulnerable?  Really?  Well, I bet all those other countries thought so too, at first, before their governments turned on them.  Not us...not here...we have nothing to feed the corporate hog machine.  Really?

Americans, wake up!  We're feeding it every day.  When the loans to cover the national budget come due what do you think will happen?  We already owe more than there is money to cover it.  What does that mean?  Fewer working, fewer to pay taxes to cover the debt.  Sooo, the financial infrastructure will collapse.  The dollar will be worthless.  Those with lots will be just as poor as those with none.  Other countries are already pulling their finances backed by the U.S. dollars.  They know what's coming.

But, don't worry.  When we're scrambling the other countries will soon follow.  It will be a world wide collapse.  It's almost like the policymakers are counting on it.  Why?  Will marshall law really work to keep us in control during the panic of scarcity?  Oh, wait, we're already under marshal law.  Lincoln  declared it and was then shot.  No one who followed ever rescinded it.

So, has the government hoarded more than money or planned an allotment system to provide for everyone?  Do you really want to be dependent on the government?  That's not what the signers of the Declaration wanted or envisioned.  They fought against tyranny, against government control.  Why aren't we?

There are so many, nearly half, out of work who are already scrambling that when paychecks are no longer forthcoming for those enforcing marshall law do you think they will continue to enforce it?  Even if the payers appease the payees with false paper money, how long do you think it will last?  

Just long enough, that's how long.

Just long enough to put an end to everything.  Or...

Just long enough for neighbors to turn to one another and help each other -- grow gardens, find water, dig sewer trenches, bury the dead...whatever it takes.  Why?

Because that's what people so, that's what we're are made of -- all people, worldwide.  That's what always happens in a crisis.  Just because the scale is more massive doesn't mean it can't happen.  Are we really supposed to believe we're the mindless zombies in the movies?  Never!

The newest young adult generation is larger than that of the baby boomers.  Hey, we had Woodstock, etc.  We started it, showed it could be done.  But they have something bigger, and they won't back down.  They will be brave and become the one united voice of our future.  They'll need our support.  

We will get through it, but it will be difficult for a while...very difficult.  I may not make it because I depend on my government retirement paycheck and food allotments.  So many do.

When I'm not writing stories I'm reading them or watching movies (don't have TV connections).  Why? Because that's all I can do, except it gives me something very important that I can use...a voice...a written voice.  And I am part of that social media that posts and reposts and tells all those who connect with me to pay attention, WAKE UP, find your part and play it well.  Humanity depends on you, on us.

The twenty-first century will be a quarter passed, one fourth over, before we know it and it has yet to be the bright future we imagined.  It can still become that future.  There is hope.  There is another way for those with the money and those who want to work to help.  

First set up your life for survival, then help your neighbor; help each other in this.  Then start dreaming of what you want to see in the world.  Look up the Venus Project and do what you can to promote it.  

Do you know of property where a new kind of city can be built and you can help for your basic needs (have to begin somewhere)?  Do you know of a factory that can be converted to make the parts to put that city together?  Is your voice loud and long enough to sustain you though a trying time.  Can you find the words to say or shout to stop any gestapo action that might be tried.  

Forget about yelling for your rights, those are rapidly fading.  They have been slowing fading for the last hundred years.  The twentieth century will become know as the capitalist time that set up everyone in the world for this fall. It didn't just start yesterday, folks.  It's been in the making for a very long, slow, blinding time.  A purposeful move to dominate and own us.  But it's now time to fight for freedom again, hopefully without guns or violence of any kind, by the voice and solid stance of the people.

I only have one question I can't answer.  Someone else will have to give me the answer.  What's the question?  It's this:  How can controlling a population of individual-minded people be a daydream, much less a desire for any policy maker, corporate or otherwise?  I thought Americans were smarter now than the J.P. Morgans of the Twentieth Century.  If you don't understand the question then I advise you to look into this and educate yourself.

This is the Twenty-first century and it's time we started believing and striving to make this the great times we envisioned.  If we don't, we're doomed.  The current process won't end us in global warming, though that will hurt for a while; it won't end us in warmongering, though that won't end quietly; it won't even end us in a financial crisis, but it will end us with overpopulation.  

The current socio-ecomonic process we are perpetuating can not, repeat, can not feed the growing population.  Once that back is broken, in the next generation, there will be only a few survivors to start over, and start over they must.  If there is a tower of so-called elite who have it all and enjoy it then let them.  Their time is limited, their plenty will end and their kind will die out.  The survivors can go on to a new kind of world.

Whether through a project already set up or another long slow climb, those who carry on will definitely have a new way of thinking.  Those who want to move back to the way it was (or is now) will not be killed, but put out of the tribe to fend on their own.  Maybe they will survive and become the sages in a caves warning of the horrors they've seen and how it could happen again.

Where do you stand on this?  What do you see coming?  What do you envision?  Ask yourself these questions for even the old can give voice and encouragement to those young and strong enough to fight for this.  

I hope to hear a chant re-echoing throughout the land from those standing in the streets with their candles and bright flashlights.  Put on your caps for freedom thinking and wear the vests of community in this spirit of uprising.  You must live on, and better than this.  It's so possible, but you have to believe it's so and go for it.  

Now, go for it!  Win this one and nobody loses!

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