Running Horses

Running Horses

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mother's Day Reading Blitz

There will be a live Giveaway event on Facebook for 
the Mother's Day Reading Blitz

Put the whole three-day weekend on your calendar 
Allow Mom to sign up for awesome gifts,
then shop for her next book, or stock up for her summer vacation.

Also note on your calendar the three day Mother's Day weekend, from May 9 - 11.  During those three days be sure to visit the Indie World Publishing & Author Services website to search through the 72 books by over 60 fantastic female authors which will be available for only $0.99!  That's 99 cents! Participating books can be found here so start looking now:!mdrb-books-by-genre/c1f28

On Saturday, May 10th, there will be a giant giveaway of lots of fantastic books written by female authors ~~ some on the book sale lists and some not.  All these books have strong female lead characters.  

There will also be other items available for giveaway.  The great news is you don't have to be a mother (or even a female) to join in the fun!  Just mark your calendars and get ready to enter each contest for your chance to win!  Oh - and invite all your friends and family!  We'll be expecting to see you there!

For my part, I have 7 of my books posted for sale at the amazing low price of 99 cents.  I will also have two others to be given away.  Visit the site today for my listing of books in the variety of genres so you will know which ones you might be interested in purchasing. 

For the giveaway I've chosen my two children's books (see below) since they have no Kindle equivalent.  Click on the link below the picture to visit the Amazon page where you can read about them and see the reviews.  

If you win a book, or decide to buy one, please be considerate of the author and make a comment on the book's Amazon page about your reading experience.  It's not difficult.  Just scroll down the page to the write a customer review button and click.  There is even a Tips and Guidelines link highlighted on the review page if you want some hints on what to do.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ariel's Cottage On Sale!

A traumatized victim, witness protection, risky trysts, love triangle, secrets, stalking, murder, kidnapping, bravery, emotional growth, sorrow and joy.  These are just a few of the things you will find in Ariel's Cottage, along with a victim who searches for her way out of her inner conflicts, and this who attempt to help her.  You won't be disappointed.