Running Horses

Running Horses

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Authors Exercise Their "Write" to Self-Publish

Authors exercise their "write" to self-publish www.cbsnews.comEbooks and print-on-demand are rewriting the rules of authors seeking to have their works made available to the reading public

This is a CBS News Sunday Morning news article with a good video about the current self-publishing market.  I hope all is going better for all of you.

Writing Assignment & Other Goodies from Tumblr

I get some wonderful things on my tumblr site at so I thought I'd share.  Maybe you can visit it sometime and enjoy the visual presentation.
First, here is a connection to the research done on writer's block.  Goto 1) & 2) below.  It's interesting for me with my background, so don't feel obliged to read it all if it doesn't interest you.

Perhaps the greatest psychology research paper ever published and perhaps the greatest follow-up research paper ever published.
On the "Unsuccessful Treatment of Writer's Block"...
(1 and 2)

Second, here is a visual prompt and challenge for a writing exercise.  Send it in or enjoy it yourself.  I would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment if you feel you got something out of it.

Writer’s Block
A picture says a thousand words. Write them.

Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a critique about this picture. Write something about this picture.
Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!

The picture is called The Oracle.  Now, write something wonderful, click on writeworld (under the picture to the left), go to image blocks at the left, then at the top where is says all the images click image blocks again, read about it and decide if you want to submit it.  You might want to follow this blog for regular writing prompts since they have a cut off for entry.  Check each out and have fun.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Place to Visit with a Message

This is The Pale Blue Dot, a message from Carl Sagan everyone should hear repeatedly.  Any time I feel lost, I listen.  It helps me keep my place, so I won't feel so lost.  It puts things into perspective.

The first of the series is The Frontier is Everywhere.  Now this is the one that will touch your heart.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: If you can't be touched by this, you can't be touched.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

World Community in Flux

If ever this was going to be said it had to be now.  In two weeks many believe the world as we know will change in some way, even end.  I sometimes wish it would change, but I doubt it will end.  It needs a lot of changing, but it all depends on us, doesn't it.
These are my thoughts, as superficial as a long blog demands, but I think you'll get the idea.  I hope it makes you think about things you might not have thought about before.
There are several related sites to check out also.
Let me know how you feel and what you think...on this site as well as the main blog site.
And here's hoping all changes are for the betterment of mankind.  I look forward to a bright new future, one more in keeping with our visions of a 21st century.
To the Moon, Mars and Viking's beyond, but first here at home.  Our house and our affairs need to be put in order or coming home will not be what we hoped.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Coveted 'Liebster' Award

I've been nominated for the Liebster.  Many of you may know about it, but for those who don't, its really a get-to-know-you on the web for newer blogs with less than 200 followers.  I may have put a few on my nominee list with more than a 200, because I didn't check and I'm not sure.  I just hope they haven't done it already.
If you want to see my 11 unknown facts and 11 answered question, along with the 11 questions I created for my 11 nominees, you'll have to visit the link above.  Since this blog is mostly for reblogging and Billy posted my wordpress blog address I felt it best to do it this way.
Follow the links back for some fun and comedy.  And consider following one of my blogs.  Leave a comment if you're so inclined.  Any old brain pop will do to add to the lot, but your comedy must stay clean to remain on my sites.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Apocalypse Soon: Has Civilization Passed the Environmental Point of No Return?

Everyone's worried about what will happen on December 21because they listen to all the fear mongers.  If more learned to accept their own ability to think and decide for themselves rather than following someone's else's ideas there would be less fear and less war in the world.  And very likely, less religion and more faith, hope and charity.
This article is based on fact.  It is a bigger worry than the events feared.  It's what will really bring us down, and to ruin.  Read it and weep. for real.